What Reader Am I? Challenge
Another tag I saw on bookstagram by another fellow reader and thought it would be fun to add my answers!
Morning or Evening? – I’m a night owl, so I have to say evening. I much prefer reading in bed when everyone’s asleep and it’s quiet. I feel like I can fully immerse myself into the reading world and concentrate on the story.
I’ve tried reading during the day, but I just can’t get into a book. Mainly because I live at home with my parents and two siblings, so it’s always a lively house.
Audiobook or Ebook? – I’m an Ebook reader through and through! I do love physical books, but the lack of space in my bedroom prevents me from being able to be a physical reader.
I used to read on my phone until Christmas, where my parents got me a kindle ~ isn’t she pretty?
Paperbacks or Hardbacks? – This is a tough one! I use to always hate hardbacks, but I like them because the spine doesn’t crack and the cover holds its shape ~ but equally I do like a paperback. So I guess both? I just wish hardbacks weren’t so tall.
Mood reader or TBR? – I think I’m a mood reader, but I’m also a planner so I think that prevents me from being a mood reader. There are times when I’m craving a certain romance trope, but a lot of the time I have my books planned out.
For example, I’m doing the A-Z reading challenge this year and I have all my books planned ~ and I’m doing it in alphabetical order (preventing me from being a mood reader)
I do have a tbr jar this year, so that’s also preventing me from being a mood reader.
Emotional or Happy Reads? – Ooh I have to say both! Early 2023 I would’ve said happy reads only, but then I read Reminders of Him by Colleen Hoover and that had me unexpectedly crying ~ so I’m saying both, with the condition that the books are a happy emotional read.
Silence or Noise? – Silence! I cannot read well during the day ~ especially when a certain brother is playing on his PS5.
I just for the life of me cannot concentrate with background noise, it’s the main reason I’m a night reader. I am going to attempt reading whilst having background noise such as rain or a cracking fire.
Bookmark or Dog Ear? – Bookmark forever! I love choosing a pretty design and I can’t deal with folding over pages. I like my books to look crisp and brand new.
Old or New Releases? – I have no preference! I read a variety of ages books, it depends on what is being labelled old. There are books that are older than others, but are new to my radar. There are also classics that I am yet to read.
Classic Lover or Hater? – Neither! I haven’t read any classic books so I can’t say I hate them ~ although Jane Austen’s books are on my list, along with a few other classics.
One Book or Multiple?– I have the attention span of a goldfish, so I am a one book girlie only. I struggle to remember plot lines, so if I were to add a second book to the mix, I’d never remember what happens or I’d create an alternative ending of the two mixed together.
I also can’t really read a series back to back because I forget what happens in which book, which stresses me out.