The Perfect Girl by Kelly Golden - A Book Review

by - November 23, 2023



He always said she was just a friend… What if she’d kill for more?

Sophie is perfect. She has blonde hair and blue eyes and when she smiles her wide, open, caring smile, her teeth sparkle. Everybody loves her. So would I, except she’s my husband Mike’s best friend, and sometimes they seem a little too close for comfort. This summer, Sophie is renting the grand house next door, bringing over fancy wine, offering to babysit our beautiful three-year-old daughter. It’s nice, actually.. Maybe the way she is with Mike – squeezing his arm, tilting her head when she laughs at his jokes – is just how she is with everybody. But then she says something that sends a shiver down my spine – does she know something about me she shouldn’t?

And when her new husband arrives, looking slightly too familiar, I realise my time is running out. My baby girl and I are in terrible danger. Sophie really is perfect. She has me perfectly trapped. And as my world begins to crumble, I start to wonder: does Sophie just want to steal my husband, or has she planned the perfect murder?

Genre: A Psychological thriller 

My Thoughts:

The Perfect Girl was my first read by Kelly Golden. I can’t remember where I’d seen this advertised, but I was intrigued to read. 

The Perfect Girl follows a wealthy family consisting of Emma, Mike and their daughter Arla, as they are visited by Mike’s childhood best friend, Sophie. Sophie has not visited the family in a few years, which leaves Emma apprehensive about her intentions, seeing as it was an unexpected visit and timed following Emma’s mums unexpected death. 

Throughout the book, Sophie makes huge effort to become friends with Emma, as she felt she neglected getting to know her best friends wife in the beginning of their relationship. Sophie’s visit was an unexpected and planned trip, a trip she planned to take with her new husband for her best friend to finally meet, but unexpected for Emma and Mike. 

Questions are raised at the beginning of the book on whether Sophie actually has a husband, as Sophie arrives on her own and has several excuses for the late arrival of her husband. Further suspicions are raised when Sophie starts acting strange on the approaching arrival of her husband. 

When Sophie’s husband finally arrives, Emma is faced with confusion when she recognises Sophie’s husband JB, as an old university classmate and lover. Emma immediately brings up that she recognises JB (Johnnie), only to be told she’s been mistaken. After this, questions are continuously raised in a ‘is he/isn’t he’ situation as to whether JB is actually Emma’s old classmate and lover, as JB continuously denies having any connection to Emma that she claims. This lead me to several conclusions: 

  1. Is JB lying about knowing Emma and were Mike and Sophie in on it? 
  2. Was Emma having a mental breakdown following her mum’s death?
  3. Or was JB genuinely not who Emma thought he was?

Through the course of the book, it is implied heavily that Emma is struggling to come to terms with her mum’s untimely death, as she frequently spends time speaking to her and envisioning what she looks like and what she would’ve said in different situations. This lead me to believe that option 1 was the route the book would take, as situations arise that makes you question Emma or whether she’s being set up by a suspicious new friend. Arla arrives at nursery without food frequently, a knife ends up in Arla’s playhouse that results in her getting a cut, but Emma has no memory of forgetting or placing those things were they were. This lead me to believe that option one was the ending. Bring in JB to drive Emma insane and make her seem she’s having a mental breakdown and Sophie can plant things to make Emma look like an unfit mother.

JB’s denial of ever knowing Emma, sends her into a spiral of questioning why he is here and what are his intentions, with her admitting that her daughter is the result of her affair with Johnnie and therefore, Arla is not Mike’s child. 

I have slightly mixed feelings on this book and the way it ended (nothing new). I felt that, despite the book only being 396 pages, I was making little progress progressing through the storyline. When reading, I just felt like I wasn’t getting closer to the build up/end. I wasn’t tempted to DNFing , but I thought the pace of the book was extremely slow and focused too much on unnecessary build up. It had too much of everyday life, where nothing interesting happened. I would say I was around 80% into the book before any mystery or suspense started to built. Before that, we are just with Emma’s suspicions but no investigation into Emma’s concerns. Personally, I would’ve liked to have seen Emma investigate her suspicions a bit more, rather than her just questioning it. I didn’t dread reading this book, I just wasn’t eager to get to the ending because of the slow pace. 

I questioned Sophie’s character throughout the book and her intentions towards developing a friendship with Emma. Sophie presented as a pick me girl, who would constantly ‘accidentally’ spill secrets and information that would hurt Emma. For example, Sophie and Mike sleeping together before his relationship with Emma that she was unaware of, Mike’s negative opinion on Emma’s mother and even planting ideas that Mike was responsible for Emma’s mum’s and Sophie’s dad’s deaths. Additionally, Sophie consistently planted ideas in Emma’s head that JB was abusing her, so that Emma would tell Mike, which Sophie said that Mike couldn’t know as she didn’t want her husband dead. 

The climax saw Mike, Emma, Sophie, JB and Arla on a nighttime boating trip, where Sophie 'accidentally' revealed that Mike wasn't Arla's dad. Sophie became crazy and suddenly pulled out the knife that was found in Arla's playhouse and accidentally stabbed Mike. She later stated it was supposed to be JB that was stabbed. I was confused because surely if she wanted to be with Mike, she would've wanted Emma dead, but then again, it makes sense to kill JB and frame it on Emma with her delusions.

I do wish the ending had a different result, where we saw Emma's innocence proven and Sophie being sent to prison for being batshit crazy. I wish we had an explanation as to why JB took Sophie's side, despite him admitting he knew Emma and his intentions were to only find out if Arla was his daughter. I thought Emma would've proven her innocence by recording Sophie admitting to everything she'd done, so that Sophie would be arrested and the truth would come out about what actually happened to Mike. It was claimed Emma had many drugs in her system that night, but how were they put there? We know the paracetamol Sophie offered was actually a drug and her vitamins were replaced, but where did the others come from? I suspected Sophie was up to something and was behind the missing lunched and misplaced knife. I didn't expect Emma to go to prison, but it makes sense considering the point it happened and that it wasn't the end of the book - plus it adds to the twist.

We never got a full answer on what actually happened to Emma's mum, like was it accidental? I felt like I was left with a lot of questions rather than answers, there were lots of plot holes. I felt like the ending was rushed in comparison to the beginning, that was dragged out. I also found parts hard to follow, especially the parts where it was a flashback, as in the book, there were no indication it was a flashback until you were halfway through and relalised it was a flashback.

In conclusion, I wouldn't say no to reading another book by Kelly Golden, but I wouldn't actively pursue reading on my own accord. I just wish there'd been more suspense and answers to the questions presented.

My Rating:⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


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