Practice Makes Perfect by Sarah Adams - A Book Review

by - November 23, 2023


Florist Annie Walker is determined to find someone who complements her life. But after overhearing her latest date describe her as ‘so unbelievably boring’, Annie wonders if the problem might be her. Is it too late to become flirtatious and fun like the leading ladies in her favourite romance movies? Maybe she only needs some practice . . . and Annie has the perfect tutor in mind.

Sexy and tattooed Will Griffin is temporarily back in Rome, Kentucky, providing security for pop-star Amelia Rose in the build-up to her wedding to Annie’s brother. He also has his own agenda: stay away from Annie Walker and any attachments to this sleepy town, which becomes difficult when she enlists him to help fix her love life.

Amid steamy practice dates and strictly ‘educational’ tutoring lessons, the lines of their friendship blur and Annie reconsiders what her ‘dream guy’ might look like. Maybe her love life doesn’t need to be perfect – it just needs to be real.

Genre: Romance Fiction 


  • Opposites Attract 
  • Forced Proximity
  • Fake Dating
  • Small Town

My Thoughts:

Practice Makes Perfect was my first read by author Sarah Adams. I was first interested in reading it when it popped up on BookTok and honestly, the cute cover had me further convinced, despite the saying; don’t judge a book by it’s cover (disclaimer: I most definitely judge a book by its cover) 

I was slightly apprehensive on whether I’d enjoy this story, as I was heading for book-slump-vill before Reminders of Him diverted me away. I was concerned that this book would result in me returning on track to book-slump-vill. However, I was pleasantly proven wrong! There’s nothing better than when you have certain expectations about a book, but are then completely proven wrong and pleasantly surprised.

Practice Makes Perfect follows florist, Annie Walker – a good girl/sunshine female protagonist on her quest to find love, who she hopes to marry and settle down with to fulfil her white picketed fence dream. After a date goes horribly wrong, Annie is left feeling deflated at the idea of her dream future. Then, in walks Will Griffin – a sexy, tattooed bodyguard who agrees to coach and teach the sweet flower shop owner, the ways to successful dating and how she can be comfortable on dates. Annie and Will are complete polar opposites, Annie being a sweet, good girl looking for marriage and Will being a playboy bodyguard who refuses to be in a relationship. Regardless of their contrasting personalities, the pair form a strong relationship where they can both be honest about their lives. Despite his no relationship rules, Will ends up breaking all of them – resulting in him being many of Annie’s firsts. 

It didn’t take me long to realise that this was going to be nothing short of a 5 star read. This small town romance had me hooked and giggling from the very start, rooting for the main characters all the way. 

Practice Makes Perfect is pretty much a closed door romance with very minimal spice, which as someone who prefers spice in a book, I wasn’t disappointed to find there was a lack of. I definitely feel like the fun, flirtatious banter between Will and Annie filled that void. The way they were able to bounce off one another with fun sarcastic jokes really added to the storyline. I found myself smiling and laughing to myself at the comedic jokes that were made throughout the book, such as Annie’s guesses/nicknames for Will’s full name and the bickering aspects from side characters. This small town romance definitely gave me Gilmore Girl vibes due to the cosy-ness and tight-nit feel of the community. Side characters reminded me of Babette, Miss Patty and Kirk during the town hall meetings and comedic bickerings that occurred. 

Practice Makes Preflect was a light and heart warming read with the right amount of conflict, without any unnecessary drama or plot lines. I throughly enjoyed reading this book by Sarah Adams and honestly, felt like I was watching the scenes unfold, as opposed to reading them. I loved the authentic relationship and banter between the two and quite frankly, didn’t want their story to end. 

I do wish we had of seen Annie’s dream come true in the end, where she experiences her marriage and white picket fence. However, I feel like the ending was also fitting for Will’s story and not wanting to rush. I do feel like we could potentially see their happily-ever-after in a third book perhaps? I’m sensing a romance between Annie’s sister Madison and James, as it was teased slightly towards the end. 

Practice Makes Perfect is book number 2 in the Rome series by Sarah Adams, which I didn’t realise until afterwards. Leading me to read the second book first. However, I wouldn’t say this error lead me to be confused in anyway. It just means I have an idea of the outcome of the first book due to events that happened in the second. I would definitely read other books by Sarah Adams, especially when I’m in the mood for a wholesome and heartwarming love story, with a side of comedy. This means When In Rome will definitely be on my TBR list. 

My Rating:



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